How to Apply for a job and Prepare of the interview

This article is written by Mr. Abhay Kumar, Head-Operations and Business Development, Team Recruiters, A Delhi based HR Consultancy company. This article first appeared on
Interview-Applying and Preparation

A call for an Interview from an organisation can mean that you are the right candidate or certain aspects reflected in your profile suit the current requirement of the organisation. In fact, it is estimated that 80% - 90% of the candidate’s profiles are rejected at the application stage. This happens for the simple reason that the Candidates don’t screen the Jobs they are applying for. It is imperative and more so at Middle or Senior Management positions to study the Position Advertised or forwarded through a Consultant thoroughly. The Job Description, Experience parameters, Location, Qualification & skill sets required or desirous by the organisation for the position are studied and matched by one’s own profile.


  • Screen the position Advertised or forwarded by a Consultant.
  • Gather all relevant information related to the Position – Designation, Reporting Structure, Job Profile, Experience, Qualification, Salary fitment range, Location, Joining Time etc.
  • Study the Company website, the Product & Services, clients, performance and any other relevant information related to the organisation.
  • Evaluate all information available. Apply only if the position fits your profile, Career prospects and you are serious about the change.
  • DON’T APPLY: If you are not contemplating a change, the position doesn’t fit into your scheme of things or just applying for the sake of testing the market.

Corporates have interviewers who are Human Resource professionals along with the Technical professional, both of whom are trained and experienced interviewers, so expect the interview to be very structured to obtain the maximum from you. In smaller firms you are more likely to be interviewed by a Partner who may not be a trained interviewer. It can be a good idea to try to steer the conversation towards the topics you have particular strengths in, highlighting your good points.

Depending on the kind of Interviewer, the process can be categorized into broadly 4 segments.

  • Where you are asked questions around your CV, both generally and technically.
  • Where you will be asked to give examples of how you meet their criteria e.g., of teamwork, negotiating, leadership skills etc.
  • Where you might be asked some bizarre or random questions to see if you can think on the spot and how creative/logical you are.
  • Where your views will be challenged or ridiculed and you might be goaded into an argument. If this happens to you do not lose your cool, it is to test how you react under extreme pressure and to see if you can hold your own.


  • KNOW YOUR CV. Read and reread your CV.
  • One should be ready to talk and justify whatever one has mentioned on the CV, like, the job changes, choice of organisation etc.
  • Have a structured CV. Prioritise & focus on things you want to talk about, areas you want to highlight, your USP’s. Present your CV in the format which focuses on your areas of strength so that you initiate discussions on your thrust area.
  • Anticipate and prepare a set of questions likely to be asked. Prepare answers and REHEARSE.
  • Go through the Company website thoroughly. Read Vacancy details, skill sets required, Product & Services etc.
  • Be decently dressed, arrive on time, have a positive Body language & carry a set of your papers and any other document as specified by the Company.
  • Be HONEST & ready to sell one-self. Don’t be afraid to ask for clarifications or any other relevant information related to the company, position or job. Thank him / her for his / her time at the end.
Some sample Questions:
  • Tell us about yourself?
  • Why did you choose your degree and what have you gained from it? What has been your most important achievement in life so far? Why?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • Why have you applied for this job / what do you have to offer us?
  • What are the current issues in this sector of work?
  • What experience do you have of working in a team and what role did you play in that team?
  • Describe a project you have successfully completed. How would your friends describe you?
  • Describe a situation you have found difficult. How did you overcome it?
  • Any questions would you like to ask us?

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