February 2018

Dos and Donts of Getting Hired for the Best Job

Dos and Donts of Getting Hired for the Best Job

We always wish our meetings, conversations, journey which were delightful, could have lasted a little longer.  Paucity of time, space, money etc might have played the spoilsport, but had we had the choice we would have continued. Same goes with our interview of Mr. Abhay Kumar, which was very informative and useful for me as well to the readers of my blog. We had a lot to talk; I had a lot to ask and he had a lot to advice, but we couldn’t have packed everything in one interview, so, we broke it into two parts.

First part you can find here: http://reviewboard.in/Blog-Details.aspx?Blog=8-Points-You-Should-Keep-In-Mind-To-Get-Hired-And-Stay-Happy

In the first part of our interview, we talked about some of the points. In the second interview, we have picked up from where we had left. Let’s dive directly into it:

Mukul: There are lots of advices available on internet to how to get a dream job, which makes people dream about it. Does really any dream job exists or it is just a dream?

Abhay Kumar: Dream job???? How do you want me to define it?

Mukul: Whichever way you wish to…..

Abhay Kumar:  Dream job is a very subjective word; it varies from person to person. For a person fresh out of college, anything which gives him the money and the time to spend may be his dream job. For a middle management level employee getting a senior level profile may be his dream job and so on so forth. So, it is very difficult to define a dream job; a dream for you may not be the dream for me or someone else.

So, I would rather advice people not to fall in the trap of these good sounding words. They should focus more on the jobs which fits into their long term career plan and also which allows them the money and time to carry out personal responsibilities.

Mukul: It automatically answers my second question. I believe that a dream job is something which adds value to your professional life in terms of money and growth and personal life in terms of basic quality time with your family.

Abhay Kumar: Yes, it’s all about progression. A job may be a dream job at the time of landing it but after joining if you are not conducting yourself well or if your immediate boss is not in sync with you, you might get into a very uncomfortable situation. Then you start cribbing and plan your exit. We have created lots of hype around it. I would say that any job which gives you financial, physical and mental comfort and continues to do so over sometime, is a dream job for you.       

Mukul: You have been working in the field of manpower planning and recruitment for close to twenty years. What are the steps you would suggest to prospective candidates, from writing resume to facing interviews and negotiating salaries?

Abhay Kumar: One needs to have two set of targets; quantifiable and non-quantifiable for both short and long term. Coming back to question you have asked I would say that first one should have a very clear cut quantifiable short and long term target of money he want to earn, the house he wants to live in, the car he wants to drive, holidays he wants to take etc. Benchmarking is one of the key points of success, whether you are benchmarking against yourself or someone else. These quantifiable targets help you in measuring your success. Moreover, first four needs of hierarchy, as defined by Abraham Mashlow, i.e. Physiological, Safety, Love/Belonging and Esteem are deeply connected with it.

Second, he should fit in his education, expertise, company, profile etc. into those long term and medium term targets. If someone doesn’t have these things properly drawn out on paper, then he will drift from one place to another for a few thousand rupees growth and will end up messing his career in the long run.

Now, you will have to bring in the five points which we discussed last time. All those five points needs to be addressed every time someone prepares himself for the next job. (Those five points are reproduced here for the reference of readers.  Link of the previous interview is given in the beginning itself.)

“First and the most important point for a prospective employee is ‘Know your profile’. People actually spend least amount of time on their CV. They do not read it and very often they are not conversant because professional writer/external help is taken to prepare/write the CV. So, it is very important to read and understand one’s CV, the words written in it, the projection you are trying to make and the goal you want to achieve.

Second is ‘person should be prepared very well’. Before going for an interview, the candidate must know the company very well; the kind of business they are into, product or services they are providing, who are the competitors etc. This would prepare him/her for the questions which would be posed in the interview.

Third is ‘have a positive outlook’. Many a times it so happens that the interviewer cross checks you on various aspects of your personality by throwing challenges or situations; whether you are ready to work hard, are you ready to experiment, whether you are ready to take new challenges etc. Any kind of laidback or lethargic response would put you down in the eyes of a prospective employer. So your words and body language must communicate positive frame of mind and positive approach.

Fourth is ‘long term picture’. It is imperative that people have a very well defined goal or a long term picture in mind. Often people have a very idealistic picture of their career. They want to be at the top in no time. They don’t realize or often forget that there are many steps to a stair between the first step and top of the ladder and every step is a process in itself. And he/she has to go through every process to reach the top.

Fifth is ‘planned approach and open mind for salary negotiation’. Throwing any random number can’t get you hired. Before salary negotiation, it is very important to be realistic and be prepared with your expectation. You should have all the details of income which you are drawing from current employer. You should be aware of the market trend etc. You also need to keep in mind that you need to deliver in multiple times of what you are asking from your prospective employer.”


I have seen people throwing whimsical numbers as their expectation which are bound to be rejected.  And even if, by any chance, any of these numbers gets accepted, it puts extra pressure on the candidate to perform and bring out revenue in many multiples of the salary being paid. So, it is always advisable to understand that what you are asking depends on what you are bringing to the table. It makes sense to checkout the market trend, industry trend to zero down on a realistic expectation.

Mukul: After getting selected for a new organization, leaving the earlier one becomes a challenge. What would be your advice to the candidates to handle this situation amicably and in friendly manner, without trying to get even with immediate superior? Could you lay down few rules for ‘Exit Interview’ which every candidate must follow?

Abhay Kumar: Employees leave any organization primarily for three reasons; growth in money terms, growth of the profile and continuous disagreement with the immediate superior. In all the scenarios, it becomes a bit difficult or sometimes very difficult to leave the current organization. So, it is very important to be transparent at the time of negotiating a joining time frame with the new organization. All the eventualities like serving the notice period or buying the notice period should be discussed in advance, so that everyone is on board. 

As far as rule for ‘Exit Interview’ is concerned, there aren’t many except one, “don’t burn the bridges”. It has been witnessed often that outgoing employees, in the case of tiff with the immediate superior and which again is quite frequent, tries to run him down or create a bad impression. Whatever is the situation this kind of hit-back should be avoided at all cost. You never know when you will bump into him in the future. He may become your boss in the next organization or may be he might be friends with your new boss. Not only that, your new organization may like to take a feedback about you from your boss, colleagues or the organisation and your action may simply put them off and would end up in getting an unfavourable feedback. Further, if you want to come back at a future time for whatever reason may become impossible if you have burnt your bridges.

Mukul: Employees leave their present organization in a stressed environment most of the time and most of them end up taking the wrong decision. I have seen people burning their happiness and energy out due to the wrong decision they take. What would be your advice to such people?

Abhay Kumar: When you are in an organization, you are with competitors who are all striving to achieve success from the same pool. So, there is bound to be friction sometimes more than you can normally bear. But, that’s the situation everywhere. You can’t run away from each and every tough situation or you can’t have the best shot all the time. To play your best shot, you will have to wait and sometime, this wait may seem lengthy. You will have to bide your time and wait for your moment. It is easier said than done, but that’s the only way. 

Mukul: New organization is always complete with new people, new environment and new rules. What would be your suggestions to new employees to handle the new situation?

Abhay Kumar: People are often short on three virtues; patience, ability to observe and ability to listen. In any new environment, these three virtues come as a very big help. When someone joins a new organization, he must know that he has joined a new space which belonged to others till sometime back. Everything will be new for him from his workstation to coffee machine to the cubicle, not to mention his colleagues and the boss. It requires a lot of getting use to. 

So, my suggestion to everyone joining a new organization would be to wait, have patience and observe the people and the new environment, listen and understand everything, then open up. It will help them to avoid many unpleasant situations.

Note: Abhay Kumar can be reached at sales@teamrecruiters.in         

5 Chargers to Boost Your Content Management Strategy

5 Chargers to Boost Your Content Management Strategy

I conducted a small quiz on my social media accounts of Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter to know which class of media, people trust more to know about their preferred product or services: Online/Social media or Mainstream media. According to my estimate, after all the sharing, re-sharing, tags and getting it shared by friends etc. for a week, this quiz got around 2000 views (Twitter and LinkedIn shares the statistics of  post views. For Facebook, an estimate has been made taking comments, votes and Likes resulting in possible reach to my friends in my network and friend’s friends in their network, into consideration).

Total responses minus ‘Likes’, ‘Share’, ‘Favorite’, ‘Retweets’ from all the platforms stood at 34, which is 1.7% of the total views. While 28 persons voted directly on the quiz, 6 chose to privately respond on Facebook Messenger, LinkedIn Messenger and Twitter Direct Message, because they didn’t find the options they wanted to choose in the quiz I had posted. I shall share the inference of quiz in terms of effectiveness of class of media in some other blog; here I will talk about ratio of views to response.

There were few things missing in that post, which led to not a good response by my target audience. There are few more things which play a key role in audience engagement through content. Let’s dive straightaway in to some of them:

  • Authority: Though I used to work in the field of e-commerce and inbound marketing till few years back, but I went off the grid for good three years. During this period, on Facebook and Twitter, I was mostly sharing my political views, thoughts emanating out of my personal life experiences and some useful informations published by some business magazines. On LinkedIn, there were hardly any interactions during this period except sending few invites to stay socially alive.

It means my authority to ask or give an opinion from or to my network on this type of content has been eroded due to inconsistency in communication about me. It looked like a one off event than a regular meaningful one. People prefer to pay attention to hear from someone who has an authority on the intended subject.

  • Consistency in communication about self: Whether someone writing under his name or pseudonym, a consistency in communication about self is very much important. Topics chosen to write about acts as communication about self, if someone is trying to reach out to his audience through written words. If someone chooses to reach his audience through spoken words, then other things like voice modulation, postures and gestures, appearance, facial expressions etc. will also matter. It will lead people to know where to go to seek the answer of their questions. Repetition lays out the print of your brand road map on your target audiences mind.
  • Freshness of Content: Question which I asked has been asked many a times before by many organizations whether they are involved in Marcom or product or services marketing. Social media platforms also keep asking questions on the similar lines to get the user feedback and make their offering more engaging to their users.

There was no freshness in my content. If someone ‘has been there and done that’, then what is there for him to chip in and give his valuable time. One may not have new idea to write about all the time, but an old idea can be written about in new style, in a fresh format to engage the target audience. I could’ve done it better, might have added something more, innovative and engaging, but I didn’t do and that’s why, the response was according to my effort. It is a long drawn process but worth acting upon.    

  • Adding Value: You have to add value to someone’s life to seek value for your life from them. It is all about doing to good to others; good karma always comes back to bless you. All three previous points clearly suggests that this quiz was not adding any value to my network. It was acting more like asking for a favor, which some of them did and responded to my quiz. Numbers which I got as favor is no less significant.
  • Not everything gets registered in people’s mind: Most important of all, though previous points are also equally useful and important, but this one needs special attention: not everything gets registered in the people’s mind which reach him trough the five senses. Estimates of neuroscience experts give various numbers about what is getting deposited in the first layer of retina and what reaches to visual cortex of the brain, but all estimates clearly suggests that our brain receives very impoverished representation of the world.

Continuous flow of humongous amount of data and mental manipulation based on past experiences, education and knowledge distorts the clear representation of intended idea in its true meaning. So, everything written in previous four points becomes even more important. One needs to continuously and consistently communicate about self to create a voice of authority and keep creating fresh, useful and engaging content which adds value in the life of target audience.


I love talking about people, their brand, their idea, their product and their services. If you want me to write about you, please feel free to reach me at mukul.bharatiya@gmail.com. You can also drop your message at my Facebook page: www.facebook.com/StorytellerMukul. Connecting with you at https://www.linkedin.com/in/mukul-bhartiya-184799b/ is all my pleasure.


Madhubani Painting as a Career

Madhubani Painting as a Career

Paintings: Language of Culture

Best character our country is its diversity; we have so many stories to tell, so many cultures to follow, so many places to visit, so many languages to learn and speak, so many delicacies to eat and everything is in continuity for tens of thousands of years. There is no place like our country on this planet earth.

 Our ancestors, other than being greatest minds, were greatest story tellers as well. Their teachings are in the form for numerous books, which are foundation stone of our culture. Contents of these books are not only spoken about but sung and presented in the form of pictures as well.

Madhubani Painting: Origin and Theme

One such book is ‘Ramayana’ depicting life journey of Lord Ram. Mithila is the second axis of three axes of Ramayana, because Goddess Sita was born here. Other two axes, of course, are Ayodhya and Lanka. In Present day parlance, Mithila is spread over Janakpur and nearby area of Nepal to Madhubani, Sitamarhi, Darbhanga districts of Bihar and nearby areas.

Mithila Painting nowadays is more popularly known as Madhubani painting, because this place has long been the capital different kingdoms of Mithila.

Mithila is the seat of Tantra and Goddess Kali is its presiding deity. ‘Worship of Goddess Kali’, ‘Life of Goddess Sita’ and her ‘Marriage to Lord Ram’ are three dominant theme of Mithila culture in order and so is of Mithila or Madhubani Paintings.

Madhubani Painting: A Career Option

To draw a Madhubani painting, you need right kind of pen and color, lots of finesse and most important of all, complete understanding of Mithila’s culture. All of it comes with your close association with it. Noted Painter of Madhubani Paintings and owner of Mukta Rani Creations (www.muktarani.com) Mrs. Mukta Rani says,” Unless you understand and imbibe the culture of Mithila, you won’t be able to paint its art. If you look at our daily life, you will find the distinct and subtle scent of feminity as well as her ferocious strength. All of it gets reflected in our paintings”.  

She further suggests following steps to make Madhubani painting and art as a career:

  • An understanding of Tantra as a spiritual practice is very necessary. Tantrik symbols like Fish, grain, eternal love of Shiva and Shakti, subtlety and ferocity of feminine power etc. are core of Madhubani paintings and art. These symbols have layered meanings, but an honest effort to understand them will help to feel the essence of culture of Mithila.   
  • A good reading of Valmiki Ramayana is necessary. Ram Charit Manas written by Tulsidas falls little short on the glories of Goddess Sita, the Princess of Mithila. Further, Valmiki Ramayana gives good narration of marriage of Goddess Sita and Lord Ram. 
  • Natural colours give an earthy look to the paintings.
  • Paintings can’t be methodical; it has to come straight from the heart.
  • Patience and practice are the biggest virtue for a painter. Success comes with finesse and maturity.

Madhubani Painting: Market Size

Villagers of Madhubani and Darbhanga district, mostly women are engaged in the profession of Madhubani painting, but it is not out of bound for men. Paintings fetch between Rs.1000/- to              Rs.1, 00,000/- depending upon its finesse, size and of course place. Japan, Singapore, China, USA other than India are its main market. Japan has a museum dedicated to Madhubani paintings. Madhubani paintings adorn the marriage of all the Maithil (Domicile of Mithila). As migration is a big reality and many of them have moved out of the boundaries of the Mithila for employment and have eventually settled in other big cities of India as well as other countries. So, there is a huge opportunity to be tapped.

Government is also making serious effort to organize this sector, so that finances can be made available to the painters. While elaborating the plan to strengthen this sector in a seminar on the “future of Madhubani Paintings” held on 9th November 2017 in Madhubani, District Magistrate of Madhubani, Shri Seershat Ashok Kapil told painters from across the district that a new web portal is coming up, which will have their profiles and few samples to showcase to potential buyers. Commerce Secretary of Bihar advised the District Magistrate to find a place for an Art Village, which should come up on NH-57, which connects Bihar with West Bengal, Odisha and Assam and goes through Madhubani District. Villages are being identified which can be promoted as culture tourism. Every house and building of these villages will adorn Madhubani paintings and funds from “Swachha Bharat Abhiyan” will be used to keep it clean and tourist friendly. Jitwarpur, a village very popular for Madhubani Paintings has already been designed on this line. Painters from across the district painted entire Madhubani Railway station with and it was first district in the country to do so. Four more railway stations in Bihar will adorn Madhubani painting.


 If you take effort to understand the Mithila culture, then Madhubani painting can be taken up as a career. Government is making serious effort to uplift and strengthen it and your maturity and finesse of painting can fetch you good price as well. So, what are you waiting for…..    

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